With the recent move to our new premises in Glenrothes, we felt it was important to investigate public transport links in the area. Below are the bus numbers and information you will need. Please note that Stagecoach are scheduled to make some changes to their routes and timetables which may impact this information.


Travelling from Glenrothes Bus Station: No matter where you live in Fife, if you can get to Glenrothes Bus Station, you can get to our office at Newark Road North by taking 37/37A from Stance 10, leaving every half an hour. You will then get off the bus on Woodside Way between Newark Road North and Newark Road South. When you get off the bus, you will head back up the pavement and go past the controlled crossing to the next turn in and the office is directly in front of you.


Travelling from Dunfermline: The X12 takes you to the Bankhead roundabout and you will have a 5 minute walk from there.


Travelling from Kirkcaldy: The 37/37A travel between Kirkcaldy and Glenrothes and would be the best option. You will need to walk further down the road to the controlled crossing and back up to the building (as above).


Travelling from Leven: You can get the 43 and 44 from Leven Bus Station. These buses stop across the road from our office. You will get off the bus at the same bus stop as mentioned for the 37/37A from Kirkcaldy.


Travelling from Markinch: Number 45 – same bus stop as buses from Kirkcaldy and Leven.


Buses from North East Fife: Head to either Glenrothes or Leven Bus Stations and follow above directions.


Travelling from West/South West Fife: Travel to Dunfermline, Glenrothes or Kirkcaldy Bus Stations and follow above directions.