seescape’s Community Engagement service is a vital lifeline for many visually impaired people in Fife who are socially isolated and/or lonely. The service supports seescape clients in their local community to make new connections, participate in activities and help increase their wellbeing.

We do this by providing a befriending service, matching clients with trained Volunteer Befrienders for telephone and/or visiting support. We also have a network of well-established social groups across Fife, for those who would benefit from socialising with their peers and taking part in a range of activities together.

seescape relies on a dedicated team of volunteers to help provide these essential services. Find out more about volunteering with seescape here.

Befriending support

Befriending support involves matching a seescape client with a suitably trained Volunteer Befriender to receive one to one support to help ease loneliness and isolation. There are a range of benefits to both the client and the volunteer, including providing the opportunity to gain experience, learn new skills, make new connections, participate in activities, and build confidence. Support can be delivered over the phone or in person, the befriender and client partnership is supported by the community engagement co-ordinator for up to 12 months.

What our clients say

“I really enjoy having a telephone befriender, we’ve got to know each other well and it’s a great help knowing she is calling every week, it gives me something to look forward to”

“My befriender gives me reassurance, and I feel safe with her. It helps me a lot, she ‘gets me’ and even if there’s not a lot to say I enjoy being in her company, and gradually getting my confidence back and going out again.”

Social groups

seescape social groups operate across Fife, for people affected by visual impairment, including those registered as sight impaired, or severely sight impaired.

The groups meet locally, in Dunfermline, Cupar and Glenrothes, with a new Kirkcaldy group which started in April 2022.

The groups are run by volunteers who are there to welcome and provided sighted assistance to members, as well as help with activities and provide refreshments.

The groups have a programme of activity which runs throughout the year, including activities, guest speakers and sometimes outings and trips to places of interest. They also offer members time together to forge new friendships.

What our members say

“I attend the Dunfermline Group every week now…I think it’s fantastic, there’s something different every week and it gives me a focus…even my daughter has noticed I seem a lot happier now. It’s a good place to meet people in the same boat and share tips and advice.”

“It’s given me confidence to live on my own. The chance to speak to likeminded people and being with the group once a week gives me a sense of community.”

“I enjoy the fact that it’s the same group of people every week and sometimes there are trips to new places. It’s something to look forward to and the volunteers who run the group are great at organising activities.”

How to find out more?

For an informal chat about the befriending service or our social groups please get in touch on the contact details below or use our website contact form here.

For more information contact:
Community Engagement Co-ordinator
Unit H
Newark Road North
Office: 01592 644979

Get In Touch